Happy 6 Months little Miss Zoe!
As Mommies ourselves, we realize how fast our little ones grow. It's not until you are a mother, that you hang on to every day, down to the minute with your babies, because it passes quicker than anyone could understand. We were so pleased when Zoe's Mommy asked us to photograph little Miss Zoe's 6 month Photos. Before you know it, she'll be a year...then two...then three...okay, okay...enough of that! Time passes fast enough as it is! We wanted to give Zoe and her Parents, a little something to hang on to for years to come. And that's just what we did! We hope you enjoyed your 6 month session as much as we did. Zoe was such a trooper through the whole thing! We first started out in our "studio", for those of you who have been to our "studio" here is where you give a little chuckle. ;)
After our studio session, we headed over to the Braniff household where Zoe showed us her adorable room!
Thanks for such a GREAT session Zoe!