Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Wedding Wonderland

What a small, private and quaint little wedding. The sweet little church sits alone, but the love inside is amazing, you could just feel how much Allison and Jonathan love each other. Not to mention how much they are loved by others. This little church has so much meaning behind it, which just adds to the meaning of the day they vowed their love to each other. In front of their closest friends and family, Jonathan's father married these two as he was gleaming with pride. You could just see it in his eyes.

If Allison's wish was for snow, she got it! and what a beautiful day it was for them! Although it was freezing outside, Allison braved the cold to capture a few awesome shots in the white snow. Beautiful!

Thank you so much for sharing your day with us and the memories in which you can hold onto forever... we hope you enjoy your memories as much as we did capturing them!

Ringing the bell together as a symbol of their marriage. Way to use your muscles Allison!

Best wishes and to MANY more happy years together Mr. & Mrs. Barker!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Brotherly Love

Let's just say it's about time for some Family photos! Which, by the way...we won't mention HOW long it's been will we Lori ;) (Just teasin' ya!) I love these guys! Their laughter was seriously non-stop. I'm pretty sure they practiced at home before their shoot, because they had the "CHEESE" part, down pat. No better cheesers out there, I'm sure of it! I brought plenty of m&m's for last minute bribery for these boys, and we didn't even need them! Shocker! All we needed was a little goofy talk and Sponge Bob lingo and we were set. ;)
Despite the rain, I'm thinkin' we got some crazy cute shots of this family. Even Grandma and Grandpa jumped in a few! We can't wait for you to see them, but for now here is a little teaser! Thank you SO much for keeping us laughing!

Told ya they were SILLY!
and I think I know who they get it from ;)