I love their little smiles...their little giggles that come out of something so simple.... as simple as a little peek-a-boo. I first met Joie's Momma a few years ago through a mutual friend. Both of our husbands (boyfriends at the time) were Marines at the time. As soon as we met, we totally hit it off. Funny thing... Both of our husbands were in the USMC... both stationed in NC. We had SO much in common. Shortly after I moved to North Carolina (for the second time between deployments) Megan moved down too... and we became neighbors! Both of our hubby's served their time and moved on to civilian life. Both back here in good' ol Grove City Ohio. :) So there you have it. There is OUR story! ;)Between moving 800 miles away, deployments, marriage, and children... we still manage to stay great friends.
Okay, okay on to Joie... Sweet little Joie is now 18 months (seriously, where does time go?!) and as cute as ever! Isn't she just A-DORABLE! She makes my heart smile.


I see you!!

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