WOW! It's been awhile! MONTHS since we've last blogged. As Fall approached, we got busier and busier. Suddenly we got even busier! Since October we've had 37 (ish) Sessions, 27 (ish) mini sessions, 2 weddings, and 1 event at the Mistletoe Market. PHEW. We decided to take the month of December slooooow. To catch up. To spend time with our families, and take a little bit of time to ourselves! And we are SO thankful we did! We will pick back up full swing in January!
But this Session is special. VERY special to me. As most of you know it hits extremely close to home for me. So I decided it needed to be blogged. :)
A few months back I photographed Ashley and her family. We've "known" each other for years.... actually... haha! ;) Her Husband, Chris is in the Army. A few months ago he was deployed. THE dreaded word in any Military family. So a few weeks ago when Ashley got word that he would be able to take his 2 week R&R DURING Christmas, she was ecstatic! and SO was I. I have been DYING to shoot a homecoming. I lived that life, I experienced it myself. I KNOW how it feels and I was BEYOND THRILLED when Ash asked me if I would want to tag along and capture the memories as the girls see their Daddy in person for the first time in months. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! YES! YES. YES! I can't put into words how I felt when she asked me.
Long story short, sat in traffic but finally made it to the airport. We were those people. You know... the ones that you see running through the airport frantically racing around searching for the right place to go. Finally we made it. Watching them run to him... the smiles on all of their faces, is enough to make me cry. Gives me goosebumps just thinking about it all over again.
My Husband was in the Marine Corps. Their deployments are 7 months long. Army... over a year. Adding two little Daddy's girls into the mix... I can't even describe it. It's a feeling only a Military wife can understand. There is NOTHING like a homecoming. NOTHING!
Ashley... I look up to you doing what you do everyday, and Chris... THANK YOU! Have a safe trip back and get ready to break out the Britney Spears lyrics once again when you come home next time! :)

It just goes to show... there are far more important things in life. :)
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