It's always nice to have other photog friends. Especially other photographer friends who are willing to share information with you and learn with you. After all, it never hurts to venture outside of the box and help others in any way you can. Right? Although not all others think this way, we've come to realize its better to learn from eachother and become friends than it is to keep to yourself.
Kim has recently started her own photography business too... and although she has done this for years, she's finally took the plunge. (So excited for you Kimmy! haha). As soon as her website is up and running we will be sure to share it all of you, but for now, here is her FB page. Be sure to check her out!
Last weekend we decided to give ourselves a day for once. A day where WE get behind the camera. It seems that lately, we are always the ones behind the lens, which is absolutley OKAY with us! We made it a day, went on a search for fields, barns and railround tracks... you know, did a little trespassing. No biggie right?! Ooops. :) Then we headed to the Short North, had a little lunch at a local resturant and wrapped up our photo shoot with a little urban feel.
SOON we will share OUR photos, (we will be updating our website, etc... with these photos, Yes! Get excited!) but for now... here are a few of Kim's... She's so cute!